There is literally no end to the amount of music available. Between your dusty collection of eight-tracks and the internet, one could start listening today and never need to hear the same thing twice in a lifetime. But for the true music junkie, that means spending lots of money to fill up that iPod, yes? No – free is good and it’s out there for you, right now, legit and not stolen, either. Here, look: –, a “music recommendation service” that’s a product of CBS Interactive, offers too many free MP3 downloads to count, sortable by genre. It’s a great, free way to discover sounds you probably didn’t know existed. – Amazon, who often features low-priced and popular albums for download, offers a gazillion (we counted) MP3s that are entirely free and that can either be stored in the “cloud” player of your Amazon account or downloaded to your computer to be loaded into iTunes or whatever player you’re using. Zune, maybe? Uh, okay.
Of course, though the offerings are considerably slimmer, there are free music downloads available on iTunes. Open iTunes, go to the iTunes Store, find the Quick Links section of that main page and there you are. Other than music, podcasts and iTunes U downloads are always free.
Don’t think that only unknown and unknowable artists offer free downloads. Mumford and Sons and The Virginmarys like free just as much as you do, just to name two.